First-year Toono transfers from Tokyo to the all-boys boarding school deep in the mountains, "Mori Moori Private School." The friendly Yaguchi who calls out to him becomes his only friend ...
Chinese Ghost Story (Chinese movie): Theme Song Performance ("Demon Of Black Mountain") ...
红身蓝首鱼,为辐鳍鱼纲鲈形目隆头鱼亚目慈鲷科的一种。 Quick Facts 红身蓝首鱼, 保护状况 ... 本鱼身体为棕黑色,有黄、白或棕褐色的条纹纵向穿过身体。幼鱼体色为黑色,有白斑点。口下位,适合于觅食藻类和岩石中的昆虫幼虫。体长约在14.5公分。 生态 本 ...
Can you mix cichlids in the same tank and, if so, which ones? Jeremy Gay divides them up, analyses how their minds work and makes his community recommendations. Mixing cichlids is a bit like mixing ...