Following its digital release in January, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment finally set the Migration 4K, Blu-ray and DVD release date for Illumination’s latest animated comedy.
现场更有过百艺人、网红出席,大马电台“MY一哥”林德荣、颜薇恩、培永、Steady Gang等,也都专程飞到香港出席活动。 ADVERTISEMENT 开幕礼结束后 ...
陈泽耀(左)为了演出改编自谢儮好真实故事的电影《GOLD》,除了苦练用左手打羽球,也为电影增重20公斤又减肥。(取自脸书) (吉隆坡3日讯 ...
知名狗仔葛斯齐因揭露娱乐圈名人内幕,而在网上有一定知名度。不料,她今日凌晨4点抛下震撼弹,爆料一位有演大爱戏的已婚男星出轨,掀起热议。 据《ETtoday星光云》报导,葛斯齐在面子书上发文,并在贴文开头提供了该男星身份的五个线索,“形象超好 ...
With his arrest this week, Sean “Diddy” Combs joins a short list of celebrities prosecuted for sex crimes in the wake of the #MeToo movement ...
Create albums and virtual rooms you can easily share with anyone, even if they don't use MutualArt yet. Your personal details and prices won’t be shared. Use our customizable templates or upload your ...
That’s not surprising with the movie only just going to theaters. It will take a while for Illumination to confirm the DVD ...
The Legal Entertainment authors discuss legal issues affecting the entertainment industry. From developments in intellectual property and contracts to changes in insurance and media law ...
(吉隆坡28日讯)曾于2008年《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛》获得冠军的“小蚂蚁”方爱凌惊传逝世,享寿63岁,将于大马国庆日(8月31日)当天举殡。方爱凌女儿今早晒与妈妈的合照悲痛表示:“您是我们的骄傲,更是斗湖人的骄傲。” 方爱凌将于大马国庆日8月31日 ...