Reviews of new collections by Aifric Mac Aodha, translated by David Wheatley; Sasha Dugdale; Ellen Cranitch; and Christine ...
Silence the inner critic, says New Mexico Poet Laureate Lauren Camp, who recommends writing for yourself, without judgment.
Of Earth & Sky comprises a series of public art installations located in various parts of Uptown featuring poems in ...
The poems also stand at the end of a long development process: A year after he completed the monograph on Rodin, he told Lou Andreas-Salomé how desperately he was looking for a craft-like foundation ...
Julia Donaldson has hand-selected over 300 poems for new book Pick and Mix Poetry. Here, she tells us about the inspiration ...
Jin, for the photoshoot, experimented with different looks. He wore black, red, beige, white and rust-coloured outfits.
With no one she felt she could turn to and share her deepest anxieties and emotions, a 14-year-old Houston girl named Inonda ...
Three prize-winning poets and a songwriter who used to teach second grade share their love of words and music in Chatham Sept ...
Amble-based organisation Dovecote Street Arts is set to launch a new poetry booklet by local writer Ali Rowland.
The announcement program for the new book 'Poems, Roses, Lights,' prepared by the Turkish Maarif Foundation to promote the ...
"My Dear Child,” is the title of a new book of poetry written by Sarah Langsam, a Chabad Shlucha in Peoria, Illinois, on The ...