For our 50th anniversary, a sample of cover art over the last half-century, from flashes of brilliance to cringey misfires.
The key to being able to move forward and for teshuva to be effective lies in the power that human beings possess in the ...
The Übermensch. Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch describes the individuals who transcend ordinary humanity, who create their own value system and live beyond conventional morality, religious ...
Another epistemological inquiry, and one that is relevant here, concerns the nature of a “fact”: What is a fact? Do facts ...
Over a century ago, Friedrich Nietzsche’s thought sparked a heated debate among Danish intellectuals about society’s moral foundations. The dispute prefigured today’s debates between the Left and the ...
Is your teenager annoyed by Nietzsche? Confused by Conrad? Through with Thoreau? Now she can talk to the expert inside her ...
Amid ongoing revelations of sexual abuse, often involving prominent clergy members, the Catholic Church must intensify its ...
For environmental activist Gabriel Malek, the declining influence of religion in capitalist societies doesn't mean that ...
It’s been labeled as a "thriller," but I’d describe it more as a misanthropic survivalist "Robinson Crusoe" meets "Who’s ...
Tiwari has a reputation for caste-baiting. She routinely posts anti-reservation takes and bats for Brahmins, who she says are ...