dispersed settlement linear settlement polyfocal settlement: two (or more) adjacent nucleated villages that have expanded and merged to form a cohesive overall community A sub-category of clustered ...
The five largest continental transform earthquakes since 2000 all originated on a branch of the main fault—and two ...
The marrow was removed 1 hour after death and kept at 4°C. until given to the patient 9 hours later; 2,500,000,000 nucleated marrow cells were given. This patient was given bone marrow during the ...
The liver function in post-cardiac arrest brain injury is not known and was investigated in a pig model of global cerebral ...
Innovative research shows how carbon nanotubes, made from CO2 captured from the air, can significantly enhance plastic ...
Most commonly results from nutritional deficiency (folic acid and vitamin B12) Megaloblast Large nucleated immature erythrocyte normally seen in large numbers in the bone marrow but also found in ...
However, assessing kidney function in neonates is challenging. Cystatin C, a protein produced by nucleated cells and filtered by the kidneys, has emerged as a valuable marker for glomerular ...
The five largest continental transform earthquakes since 2000 all originated on a branch of the main fault—and two ...