In the Nyingma School, the Adi-Buddha is called Samantabhadra (Skt.; Tib. ཀུན་ཏུ་བཟང་པོ་, Kuntu Zangpo; Wyl. kun tu bzang po), not to be confused with the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. Nyingma art often ...
Description: unicef, unicef canada, development, children, children's rights, enfants, droits de l'enfant, education, teachers, enseignants, kids, fundraising ...
Monasteries You Should Visit When You Are In Sikkim ...
What is Tibet? Is it a mountain range? Is it part of China or a separate country? What does yoga have to do with Tibet? And ...
Other events include a "land and sea" party for Waterside Workshops and documentary screening about noted architect and designer Eliot Noyes ...