The genus name Ochotona stems from the Mongolian word for pikas, ochodona. The species name princeps comes from the Latin word for chief, referring to the Chipewyan Indian name for the pika: “little ...
Pika, or senostavka (Ochotona). They got their name because of the variety of sound signals that they use to call to each other or notify each other of danger. Top view chef removes fried pieces of ...
The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), also known as the black-lipped pika, is a species of mammal in the pika family, Ochotonidae. Quick Facts Conservation status, Scientific classification ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Conservation & Society Vol. 15, No. 1, 2017 Tibetan Buddhism, Wetland Transformation... Alpine ...
The American pika — a small, herbivorous, conspicuously cute mammal related to rabbits and hares — is adapted to the cold climate in high-elevation boulder fields and alpine meadows in the mountains ...
“Talus-dwelling pikas, such as Ochotona roylei, sometimes use human-made walls for shelter. In contrast, species like O. nubrica tend to avoid humans. Therefore, the behavioural strategies that will ...
image: Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) view more Credit: Image credit: Qingsheng Chi. 科研人员报告说,鼠兔通过减少它们的代谢从而保存能量,以及在一些地区通过吃 ...
全世界有30多种鼠兔,其中绝大多数(至少23种)在中国有分布。最常见到的是高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae),此外还有红耳鼠兔(O. erythrotis)、川西鼠兔(O. gloveri)等等。 鼠兔体长为 15 ~ 30 ...
WDFW announces 42 tentative days of coastal razor clam digging opportunities beginning Oct. 3-7 ...
Current research focuses on pikas (Ochotona princeps). My lab is investigating ecological connectivity of pika populations in the central Washington Cascades across Interstate 90.
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