Those two terms describe the complex tissues that transport food and water in a plant, providing it with sufficient food, ...
红豆杉又称紫杉,国家一级珍稀保护树种,也是世界上公认的濒临灭绝的第四纪冰川遗留下来的古老树种。科学家利用红豆杉提取物制成了抗癌药物紫杉醇,是治疗多种癌症的有效药物之一。内生真菌是指在其生活史的一定阶段或全部阶段生活在植物的各种组织,对植物组织不会引起 ...
Either way, they are never wanted. We’re talking about those annoying white strings on bananas, or more technically, “phloem ...
Companion cells provide the energy for the sieve cells. The end walls of the sieve cells have pores through which sugar is transported from cell to cell.
A citrus quarantine has been declared in Fallbrook after officials detected the presence of the deadly citrus tree disease ...
“We’re kind of in the middle of that heaviest portion of the pest pressure,” Fike said. The pest feeds just under the ash ...
Read on. So what's Methuselah's secret? How can it and its kind survive, much less thrive, in conditions that would strike fear into the phloem of virtually all other plants? After decades of ...
Contrary to small nucleic acids, such as microRNAs that are known to spread systemically through the phloem from a single entry point, Bock's observations of cell-to-cell transport pointed to the ...
Our group is studying the development of vascular cambium by using Arabidopsis thaliana root as a model. Vascular cambium produces xylem (wood) and phloem, and together with the cork cambium, which ...
In a mature flowering plant or tree, most of the cells that make up the xylem are specialised cells called vessels.