Stewart, most recently manager of grassroots communications for the ALA's Public Policy and Advocacy Office, will join the ...
那什么是成功呢?怎样才能算得上真正意义上的成功?是年纪轻轻就已经“历经九九八十一难”的第一批90后吗?是综艺节目上高谈阔论,年入百万的00后CEO吗?还是迈入藤校,颜值智商均在线的人生赢家?成功究竟是什么?要怎样才能获得成功?怎样的人生,才能称得上是 ...
Our agent/adviser thinks that, for people in our age group, “cash is king.” Our house is completely paid off, so most of that ...
Fran Greenman-Schmitz joins the the storied 50-year-old Jewish house with a singular focus: to see more proudly Jewish books ...
上诉法院认为,开放图书馆没有达到合理使用保护的必要标准,IA对其图书资源的使用没有体现转换性,其数字复制件与原件的目的相同:使作者的作品可供获取、阅读。“虽然IA声称禁止其扫描、出借电子图书会损害消费者和研究者的利益,但允许其做法也的确会损害作者的利 ...
This five-day series explores the priorities of voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania ...
As the recent anti-immigrant riots in England illustrate, it is now possible to stir up lynch mobs on a national scale with a ...
It happened just before 10 p.m. near the intersection of Wesley and Oakwood Avenues. Our crew on scene says it appears one of ...
The House unanimously passed a bill Friday that would bolster U.S. Secret Service protections for major presidential ...
The country's largest book publishers have filed a lawsuit against the Volusia County School Board as well as the Florida ...
It’s still on the market. I had three offers over 11 months, one more frustrating than the next. The first people were ...
The National Republican Congressional Committee reported in a Friday filing with the Federal Election Commission that Elon ...