P ythagoras was a smart guy: sure, he had some pretty rogue beliefs about beans, but the man knew his triangles, something ...
Praxis the robot and Alan the “human man” find out about some of the contributions Pythagoras made to maths. They discover his famous theorem wasn’t all his idea. Expand on the geometrical proof shown ...
与身在英国伦敦的陈惠琳(Kristy M. Chan)文字“通话”,字里行间的用词,成为理解这位艺术家的新通道。22岁便成为欧洲艺术界“冉冉升起的新星”,放弃信手拈来的流行风格,向伟大的传统发起“挑战”,这是尚不足30岁的Z世代艺术家陈惠琳的选择。 “天选之人”的文字“游戏” 陈惠琳与《艺术栗子》的文字“通话”中,英文偶尔夹杂着繁体中文,这很容易让人想起中夹英的“港式粤语”。然而,艺术家感兴趣的并 ...
Look at the angles the gymnast rotates through and at the patterns in the routines. Work out the distance across the mat using Pythagoras. There is also an opportunity to look at angles in both twists ...
Music is a pretty strange thing when you think about it. Sure, on one hand, there’s an endless space of creativity and a ...
科学家与数学家的存在,将复杂混乱的宇宙规律转变为工整有序的平衡等式。诸多高深莫测的科学理论引起头脑风暴:薛定谔的猫既死又生,无理数、虚数与超越数构成数学世界,Max Mara 恰在此中寻找灵感。谁说数学没有神秘可言?
Castro, James Gold, Jerrold Marchisotto, Elena Schilling, Mark and Zeitlin, Joel 1991. SMALL STEPS TO A STUDENT-CENTERED CLASSROOM. PRIMUS, Vol. 1, Issue. 3, p. 253. The main thread running through ...
ASTROLOGY: Here are your free daily Horoscopes and Lucky Numbers. Welcome to your daily horoscope! The celestial alignments ...
Half a Century of Pythagoras Magazine is a selection of the best and most inspiring articles from this Dutch magazine for recreational mathematics. Founded in 1961 and still thriving today, Pythagoras ...
They invent the wheel, send ships on voyages or train their armed forces. Other nations offer diplomatic relations or trade.