Sold at German auctioneer Hargesheimer, this painting has earned scorn from Old Master experts who doubt its authenticity.
Tunnel VisionWith a camera taped to the front of his scooter, Your Shot photographer Lex Schulte captured a self-portrait as he drove to work. Schulte's photo was chosen by National Geographic ...
There’s something very revealing about the photos on people’s phone lock screens. Being nosy on crowded tubes, I’m always ...
Looking for a new skill to learn? Self-portrait photography might be just the thing – it requires minimal equipment and it’s also a great way to help boost your self-esteem and create some ...
Designer Christopher Kane has designed a full collection for the London-based fashion house, launching in stores and across ...
Calling all Filipino photography enthusiasts! Here’s your chance to showcase your creativity and photography skills with the ...
浦东美术馆是大展“对话透纳:崇高的回响”的亚洲首站,将按创作主题划分为8个单元,覆盖一楼和三楼展厅,贯穿透纳创作生涯,从壮丽的风景画到对光影和氛围的基础探索,将他的旅行轨迹与艺术题材蕴藏在单元之间。还策划专属空间,通过泰特美术馆为浦美特别制作的透纳纪 ...
Self-Portrait with Monkey, 1938, Oil on masonite, 16" x 12", Collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, New York In October 1938, Frida staged her first one-woman exhibition at the Levy Gallery ...
The subject’s face is always likely to be the most heavily scrutinised area of the image by anyone viewing your photos. And ...
Become your own ZEISS Portrait Master with the vivo V40 and improve your mobile photography skills beyond the bokeh shots ...
Robert Caro spends most of his days writing the fifth and final volume of his Lyndon Johnson series, more than a decade in ...