Existing research has explored fewer mechanisms underlying academic self-efficacy and learning engagement. In line with social cognitive theory, the psychological resilience framework, and vocational ...
Covington, Martin V. 1991. Putting Self Back in the Process. The Journal of Experimental Education, Vol. 60, Issue. 1, p. 82.
Many psychological theories have attempted to answer this question. One such explanation is the locus of control. Locus of control is a concept created by psychologist Julian Rotter (1954). Rotter was ...
Kaisheva, Emiliya Mihaylova Radoynova, Dobrinka and Zayakova, Yolanda 2018. Possibilities for more accurate prediction of thermal injury severity and determination of its impact on the body using the ...
Learning outcomes explain what students should be able to achieve by the end of a course. This may be changes in their knowledge, skills, attitude or behaviors. Learning outcomes are the first element ...