Micellar solubilization (solubilization) is the process of incorporating the solubilizate (the component that undergoes solubilization) into or onto micelles. [1] Solubilization may occur in a system ...
Glycans play an important role in modulating the interactions between natural killer cells and antibodies to fight pathogens and harmful cells.
Pectus is a process control system for Unit Operations such as filtration, chromatography, precipitation, solubilization and refolding. Pectus implements a language called P-code which is used to ...
Some biosurfactants can withstand a wide range of fluctuations in temperature and pH. Recently, biosurfactants have emerged as innovative biomolecules not only for solubilization but also for the ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and ...
FASP achieves essentially complete protein unfolding during the whole process of detergent removal, which allows use of large-molecular-weight cut-off filters without a loss of small proteins.
A large segment of the CYP2C19 rapid metabolizer subgroup is nonresponder to the PPI treatment, only partial symptom relief in GERD, more frequent unsuccessful eradication therapy and lower ...
This study provides an important advance in the molecular understanding of the lipopolysaccharide export mechanism and machinery in bacteria. By using advanced spectroscopy approaches, the experiments ...
Semiconductors have a valence band that is filled with electrons and an empty conduction band separated by a band gap (also called energy gap). For an electron to be excited into the conduction ...