Below are resources for teaching Chinese language. You can also find resources for teaching Chinese on the China Learning Initiatives website, an initiative of the Center for Global Education at Asia ...
LREI高中位于纽约曼哈顿西村。目前,我教9至12年级,中文II 至 IV。每个年级一周三节网课,一节课40分钟。从四月初开始,我们一直使用Zoom 软件授课。 网课一开始,我就遇到了不少难题。首当其冲就是怎样更好地使用Zoom来教学。今天想分享一些Zoom的使用心得 ...
A young teacher based in China had the online community in stitches after sharing a viral video of herself teaching a learner ...
and the CIFLTE Online Foreign Language Learning Program (COF). The first two programs are designed to offer state-of-the-art training to students and professionals interested in learning how to teach ...
A Tale of Three Excellent Chinese EFL Teachers: Unpacking Teacher Professional Qualities for ... Marav, Daariimaa 2022. Mongolian Pre-Service English Teachers’ Voices about Their Teaching Practicum ...
Brandeis University’s one-year master’s program in Teaching Chinese at the college level offers a full range of modern Chinese (Mandarin) erudition courses. Courses are taught by experienced ...
只需说出以上所需要服务的单词(如:fire)后,接线员会问您是否需要口译服务,只需告诉对方您所说的语言——比如Chinese,对方就会免费接通 ...
礼仪文化在现代社会再度复兴,追溯其根源,艾米丽·波斯特于1922年出版的《礼仪》一书功不可没。此书不仅定义了良好行为的基本原则,更跨越时代,影响深远。随着社交媒体与全球化的兴起,礼仪面临新挑战,从餐桌到职场,再到数字世界,礼仪规范不断进化。现代礼仪大 ...
Does it sound too good to be true? Perhaps not, with a career in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) online. Remote ...
In a unique experiment, five teachers from China take over the education of fifty teenagers in a Hampshire school to see whether the high-ranking Chinese education system can teach us a lesson.