A pair of giant pandas gifted by the central government to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China will arrive ...
This issue discusses the performance of small and mid-cap stocks in the market, including the phenomenon where they tend to ...
The Lebanese sources said that about 50 Katyusha rockets were launched from southern Lebanon into northern Israel. The ...
文/章鱼编辑/米利暗谁能想到,恋综也能塌房。最近热播的某档恋爱综艺,邀请的素人嘉宾全是精英。其中两位男士在聊到自己喜欢的城市时,刻意把语言切换成英文,被网友辣评:strong(死装)。于是,不想再看精英拿腔拿调的网友在弹幕写下灵魂拷问:到底有没有二本 ...
9月19日,中国商飞公司一架C919飞机从四川成都双流国际机场起飞,经过2小时8分钟飞行,平稳降落在西藏拉萨贡嘎国际机场。这是C919飞机首次飞抵拉萨。 Located in the Yarlung Zangbo River valley at an ...
社交媒体平台X已在巴西任命了一名法定代表人,这是该平台为在巴西恢复服务首次采取的措施,但一名法官裁定,该平台将继续被暂停,直到满足进一步的要求。 巴西最高法院法官德莫赖斯(Alexandre de ...
耐克周四宣布,将由前同事埃利奥特·希尔(Elliott Hill)接替首席执行官约翰·多纳霍(John Donahoe),消息一出,耐克股价大涨。
The Dow Jones closed higher by around 522 points to 42,025.19 on Thursday. The S&P 500 surged 1.70% to 5,713.64, while the Nasdaq Composite climbed 2.51% at 18,013.98 during Thursday's session.
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) — The 2024 Beijing Culture Forum opened on Thursday in the Chinese capital, with over 800 ...
缅甸主流媒体团19日赴中国交流参访,第一站来到了广州。这是外交部、中国驻外使领馆今年组织的第十批次外国主流媒体访问广州。A delegation comprised of chief editors, journalists and editors from state-owned and private media institutions in Myanmar embarked on its ...