Oocysts are more prevalent in surface waters when heavy rains increase runoff of wild and domestic animal wastes from the land or when sewage treatment plants are overloaded or break down. Only ...
The majority of people infected with cat scratch disease heal without needing any medical treatment. The symptoms are usually ...
But, flowers can pose problems for our furry friends − particularly cats. Many flowers and plants deemed safe for humans are toxic for cats, according to the American Society for the ...
With thyroid hormone production out of whack, your cat experiences a range of symptoms and may develop related diseases.
2024 — Pet cats may be excellent animal models for the study of obesity origins and treatment in humans, a new study of feline gut microbes suggests -- and both species would likely get ...
If you're looking for an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine, Frontline Plus for Cats is your best bet. Before buying any flea treatment, be sure to ask your veterinarian which medication is ...
Unlike purchasing a cat litter box or even one of those fancy automatic cat feeders, an effective flea treatment can be tricky for the average pet owner to find. Instead, we consulted with a panel ...
Dear Eric: Ordinarily, my friend is loving and affectionate to her middle-aged cat. She takes good care of him, with food, water, and attention. Today, she told me her cat has a condition that ...
Cats aren’t known for their sensitivity. In fact, they have such a reputation for self-centered jerkiness that there are whole memes built around what your cats might do to your corpse if you ...
Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are not just the fastest cats... they’re the fastest animals on land!The latest research is revealing that it’s their extraordinary manoeuvrability that really ...
But other vet costs can add up quickly if your pet has additional healthcare needs, such as medical treatment and medication. Our analysis shows that vet visit costs can range from about $25 for ...