This study presents valuable findings from an observational dataset in a riverine ecosystem about the effects of genetic and species diversity, across multiple trophic levels, on ecosystem functions.
After all, Saturday Night was directed by Jason Reitman, whose late father, Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman, had a close, ...
OBJECTIVES To determine the effect of trophic feeding on gastric emptying and whole gut transit time in sick preterm infants. METHODS A randomised, controlled, prospective study of 70 infants weighing ...
The single-cell green alga Chromochloris zofingiensis is an emerging model organism for photosynthesis and metabolism ...
Ghostbusters Afterlife director Jason Reitman turns TV history into an electric, claustrophobic trophic story.
骑士手持利剑,一步步逼近喷火的恶龙。公主在城堡静静祈祷,等待勇者的归来。 为珍视之物赴汤蹈火,纵使粉身碎骨也在所不辞。中世纪以来,骑士成为了荣耀与忠诚的象征。在自然界中,这种精神同样流传不息。从守护珊瑚的梯形蟹身上,我们可以看到骑士的无畏与忠诚。