我国今年上半年经济表现强劲,次季经济强劲增长5.9%,对外出口持续增长,外国直接投资回流,国内股市屡创新高,整体经济数据可谓亮眼。然而,普通老百姓对这些经济成就并未有切身感受,反而因物价飞涨、生活成本增加,让大家感到手中的钱越来越不值钱,这不禁让人产 ...
法哈德莫哈末博士(中)为妻女的成就感到骄傲,左为贾瓦赫法哈德,右为茉妮拉霍穆德。(吉隆坡25日讯)一对来自沙地阿拉伯的母女在UCSI大学第37届毕业典礼上同时毕业,并获相同学位,成为全场焦点。茉妮拉霍穆德和女儿贾瓦赫法哈德在UCSI大学取得国际礼待管 ...
Purdue University is partnering with several of Malaysia’s educational institutions to develop new online programs in artificial intelligence and data science.
The CANDO team visited – Dunde project sites in Munda, hosted by the United Church, and Noro SSEC Church project site in ...
我国种族走向两极化看来越来越明显,占人口近70%的马来族群与土著,与占人口约23%的华裔,在许多课题上被政治人物操弄,政客们的粗暴手段是否会因此如鱼得水还是阴沟里翻船,值得探索。团结政府内负责伊斯兰教事务的首相署部长莫哈末纳因9月5日指伊斯兰发展局( ...
After a long day of meetings and workshops, I was absolutely grateful for their commitment to this standard operating ...
INTERACTIVE hands-on activities and regular exposure to successful scientists are key if Malaysia is to increase uptake of ...
Malaysia's centuries-old famous Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur has also undergone some demographic changes. In recent years, it ...
The Malaysian economy may feel the “heat” if the United States enters a recession next year, assuming more interest rate cuts ...
PETALING JAYA: An academic says Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh will not go to the extent of pursuing an apology from China regarding the “Allah” socks issue despite calling for a boycott of ...