Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Vol. 128, No. 969, 2016 November The Xinglong 2.16-m Telescope: Current I... The Xinglong 2.16-m Telescope: Current Instruments and Scientific ...
A student touches a cocoa fruit in Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden in Wanning City, south China's Hainan Province, Sept.
The pagoda, located in the northeastern comer of Yanzhou, was built in the Song Dynasty. The octagonal, thirteen-storeyed brick structure is fifty-four meters high. Its main feature is a smaller ...
In this article, we present the characterization of observing conditions at Xinglong Observatory based on the monitoring of meteorology, seeing and sky brightness during the period from 2007 to 2014.
A student views a cocoa fruit in Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden in Wanning City south China Hainan Province ...
The paper is published in the journal Science China Earth Sciences. Wood charcoal identification at Xinglong revealed a variety of woody plants, including Prunus, Populus, Ulmus, Acer, Juniperus ...
The project sits on the shore of Xinglong Lake in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan. Its architectural form pays homage to its natural environment setting and aims to reflect and embody the ...
He recalled that Xinglong coffee is one of China's oldest brands which stood the test of time. According to Zhang Yuen, the island has its own way of processing coffee beans. Earlier, some foreign ...
溯空间荣幸呈现开馆展《極——时间的切片与标本》,这是一场集聚44位集中在长三角地区积极活跃的艺术家、多种媒介共荣的艺术家群展。他们的作品通过多样的创作形式,探讨世界、自身、空间以及人类情感的关系。向前奔跑与回溯过去究竟是否冲突,本次展览以通过记录时间 ...