社交媒体平台X已在巴西任命了一名法定代表人,这是该平台为在巴西恢复服务首次采取的措施,但一名法官裁定,该平台将继续被暂停,直到满足进一步的要求。 巴西最高法院法官德莫赖斯(Alexandre de ...
“如果美联储和市场因为历史押着同样的韵脚或重演而极度担心失业问题……如果这是我们的主要担忧。我们刚得到的数据显示,实际上,制造业已经在自行改善,失业率数据是自夏季以来最好的,美联储降息50个基点,我们正在实现某种形式的涅槃,对吧?”他告诉《财富》杂志 ...
所有升上去的必然会降下来,这是conventional wisdom——习语「conventional wisdom」就是传统智慧,大部分人都相信的观念或想法。传统智慧(conventional ...
期间,津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦参访了解放军陆军指挥学院,追忆60年前在中国的求学岁月,重温中非人民在反帝反殖反霸斗争中并肩奋斗的历史。上世纪中叶,包括姆南加古瓦总统在内的一批非洲国家青年军官来到中国军事院校学习。他们学成回国之后,积极投入到本国民族解放 ...
China has urged its citizens in Israel to leave "as soon as possible," as tensions between Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed ...
英矽智能创始人兼首席执行官Alex Zhavoronkov博士表示:“ ...
The number of research and development institutions in Changsha, Hunan province, has increased by 866 since September last year, and the city has 7,842 high-tech enterprises, according to a summit hel ...
French European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who was in charge of internal market, resigned on Monday over a row with the ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
Since the establishment of FOCAC, he said, China has helped Africa to build and upgrade almost 100,000 kilometers of roads, more than 10,000 kilometers of railways, nearly 1,000 bridges and almost 100 ...