Signature Research 的无人机 该项目促使Signature Research为无人机精心配置了FLIR A6750 MWIR热像仪、FLIR Blackfly® 可见光相机及定制化的数据采集系统。无人机将在约1.6公里外实现远程操控,围绕目标进行360°全方位飞行,其镜头精准捕捉图像,确保与实际平台分辨率高度 ...
Looking for small business tax software? Discover our top picks and make tax preparation easier for your business. Find the ...
2021年09月22日 | Softing推出新的软件模块,将Modbus TCP控制器连接到工业物网 发布者:EE小广播来源: EEWORLD关键字:软件模块 ModbusTCP 太网手机看文章 扫描二维码 Softing拓展了基于Docker技术的edgeConnector产品系列。新的edgeConnector Modbus是一款灵活的Docker容器应用程序 ...
“God only knows what is coming out of those pipes,” said Cllr Ryan. Cllr Kay Cahill-Skehan said that as the plant is a new ...
From maps to Gbps: reality capture technology is being leveraged for fibre-to-the-home infrastructure. The digital economy is growing at an ...