Brevetted a General on his retirement last year, the Colonel used to love to reminisce about the "frolicking and deviltry" of past and this fall he thought some of writing a book on Harvard as ...
Gen. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, of the United States army. He graduated well up in his class in 1846, was brevetted Second Lieutenant of Artillery in July of that year, went to Mexico with MAGRUDER's ...
He graduated at West Point, in 1845. As served in the Mexican war, and was brevetted "for gallant and meritorious conduct in several affairs with guerilleros, at Paso Ovejays, National Bridge and ...
During the Seminole War, he was brevetted a brigadier general. Mary D. McFeely and William S. McFeely, eds., Ulysses S. Grant: Memoirs and Selected Letters (New York: Library of America, 1990), p. 48.