A joint army training, co-organized by Chinese and Nepali militaries, kicked off Sunday in southwest China's Chongqing ...
As part of the foreign affairs brand event "@Chongqing @World" organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing ...
设置13家服务站,提供1157项发展机会、实施减税降费政策……9月20日,两江新区组织召开个体工商户高质量发展大会,多措并举助力新区个体工商户高质量发展。 会议现场。王加喜 摄 具体有哪些政策?一起来往下看: 什么是个体工商户?
During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the top 10 most popular cities on Tujia include Beijing, Qingdao, Suzhou, Chengdu, ...
由西部国际传播中心打造的重庆首档国际传播融媒栏目《Let’s Meet》第35期特别节目《拓展机遇之路 共享美好未来》(上)于9月7日在重庆卫视播出。The first all-English international broadcast ...
潮起津渡·江山入画。2024年9月20日新城集团重庆江津吾悦广场品牌私享会圆满举办。重庆市江津区商务委员会党组书记张梅、新城吾悦商业管理集团有限公司华中区域总经理刘海、重庆江津吾悦广场总经理胡小航以及十余家重庆餐饮头部品牌大咖和媒体挚友们 ...
Chongqing city, briefly named as Yu, is situated in the conjunction area between the central region and the west region of the country. It is the one of the four municipalities directly under the ...
A new experience! China's smart, driverless cars impressed African journalists in China's Chongqing.
BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- There is some good news for farmers in Yinjiayuan, a village in Jiangsu Province, east China.
在 2020 年家用电器和电子产品报告中,苹果获得的 ACS I 得分为 82,比 2019 年的得分下降了 1 分。而苹果的满意度得分超过了三星(81),宏碁(78),亚马逊(78),华硕(77),戴尔(77),惠普(77)等。
China's vehicle software market is worth more than 65 billion yuan (about 9.2 billion US dollars), accounting for 30 percent ...
摘要:茶树是一种珍贵的常绿作物,在中国和许多其他国家广泛种植。近年来,人们对茶树的研究兴趣日益浓厚。对于茶产业来说,开发快速、无损的方法来评估茶树在自然环境下的生长是至关重要的。 该文全面概述了无损传感技术在茶叶原位检测中的应用。所 ...