Shanghai Data Exchange is seeking collaboration with international financial organizations to drive innovation and unlock new market opportunities. The exchange aims to establish a robust cross-border ...
上海数据交易所加快建设国际专区,重点打造数据进口市场,截至目前专区挂牌数据产品已超过百个,对接国际数商超20家,业务内容涉及专利、生物医药、金融、商业洞察、企业数据、经济、人口统计等数据服务。下阶段,上海数据交易所将围绕数据跨境流动积极推进四大议题的探索,一是拓宽 数据要素 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) — China will supply more cultural activities and tourism products around the week-long National Day holiday starting on Oct. 1, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) ...
The adjustment is based on Shanghai residents' average living space, family structure, market demand, and housing design and construction. It looks to adapt to the latest market supply and demand ...