The Buddha identified Gratitude as an ennobling and rare quality. In one of his finest discourses in the Anguttara-Nikaya the Buddha speaks as follows: The sum of all that makes a bad man is ...
“Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice,” President Nelson says in the video, later adding: “Anger never persuades.
as well as the razzmatazz of liquidized dripping colours under the tendering effects ennobling brush work he christened plastopaint Aladegbongbe’s collection on show is provoking the visual ...
But to Instagram a Pollock or a Van Gogh transforms that moment of pleasure into work. We think this ennobling; it’s sadly debased. I don’t know whether it’s fair to consider faith a realm wholly ...
Their buildings could even serve as its European and North American outposts. This evolutionary shift could be as ennobling as the Louvre’s transition from a palace to a place of public learning. “We ...
"But he sounds good. I think he just has to decide now what to do next and I think that's the time he's going through at the moment," said the 20-time Grand Slam winner, ennobling Nadal as a tennis ...