On the eve of a crucial juncture in the presidential campaign, Trump on Friday decided it was time to extemporize in great, conspiratorial and seemingly ill-advised detail about the women who have ...
Either give yourself bullet points and extemporize from those throughout or write your toast verbatim, in your normal ...
Can you spot the famous presidential debate one-liner? Take this quiz.
Unlike Trump, however, she got away with it. Willis was allowed to extemporize at length on the "collusion" of the lawyers ...
"Much of what Nixon wanted was raw material that he could extemporize on in his speeches, so I helped come up with historical references, statistical tidbits and things like that." (In Robert ...
All his years, he has dreaded the necessity to extemporize. Nor has he even triumphed with the “original oration,” but an original oration he had to make last week (see col. 3). For a month ...
Timothy Gates, as the angel child's aged mother, has little opportunity to extemporize, though his exit song is delightfully dead-pan and relaxed. The music for Love Rides the Rails by Varick ...
The source for the letter is not unimpeachable, and the dating is unlikely, but there is nothing unlikely in the idea of Rochester and the other court wits whiling away the long hours in the Whitehall ...