During the High-level Week of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York, climate change has once again become a central global ...
The very final Brooklyn Brewery Bar Crawls of 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. Tickets include a beer on arrival ...
The Bull & Claw’s famous Friday night Sundowners, featuring live music in their beautiful boho garden. Commencing at 6pm, ...
编者按:随着基因检测技术的飞速发展,原发不明肿瘤(cancer of unknown primary,CUP)患者的治疗策略正经历着革命性变革。在2024年ESMO大会期间,世界原发不明肿瘤联盟(the World CUP ...
9月24日,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)罕见地在其个人社交平台X上发表了一篇长文,题为《智能时代》("The Intelligence Age"),引发了超过百万次的观看。
9 月 23 日,Sam 发了一篇名为 《智能时代》(The Intelligence Age[1])的文章,从远古聊到未来,写的挺长,我将中文对照翻译放在了文章最后一部分(建议大家细细阅读)。关于 AI,我之前也写过一些思考(AI 浪潮下的一些浅思 ...
For generation we use Embree point query to efficiently find distance to the nearest triangle. We also cast 64 rays from every ... Final step is a global optimization, where we re-grow all clusters in ...