If you believe in God, then there is a possibility that you would also believe that He can intervene in the affairs of men.
White House staffers have flagellated themselves to regain key Democratic blocks but they have so far failed. Elizabeth ...
Nor had we learned that Helicobacter pylori, a flagellated food- and water-borne bacillus now eradicated by multi-drug cocktails, was a major contributing factor in many people with gastric ...
Recently Thomases has been looking at how micro-organisms, such as sperm and other flagellated organisms, move in mucus and other sticky, gooey environments. Before arriving at Smith, Thomases was on ...
The occasion was the miracle of tears of a wooden figure of Christ, the "Flagellated Savior". The image of grace can be admired in the church. Since 1983, the chruch has been a UNESCO World ...
“These legions of nanorobotic agents were actually composed of more than 100 million flagellated bacteria – and therefore self-propelled – and loaded with drugs that moved by taking the most ...