According to a study published in ACS Nano, a Spanish-German team discovered that inserting a few monolayers of the ...
Topological protection provides unprecedented robustness of physical phenomena against all kinds of perturbations; but in ...
Gallium nitride-based semiconductors have been a boon for high-frequency and power electronics. They've also revolutionized ...
As this goes hand-in-hand with potentially relaxed fabrication and packaging requirements, the PCSEL makes a compelling case ...
Spintronics offers the potential for devices that operate faster and use less energy by manipulating electron spins. Graphene ...
Moiré field-effect transistors based on graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures are promising for their high room-temperature carrier mobilities and magnetotransport properties.
In a study published in the Chinese Journal of Catalysis, a research team led by Prof. Gang Wu (University at Buffalo, The ...
PIM memory management; carbon nanotube FETs; high-degree polynomial gradients in memory; STT-MRAM; neuro-symbolic AI HW architecture; state of the ...
Gallium nitride-based semiconductors have been a boon for high-frequency and power electronics. They've also revolutionized energy-efficient LED ...
When the stem of a plant is injured, the surrounding cells proliferate to repair and fuse the damaged tissue, eventually restoring function. This self-healing property is utilized in grafting ...
继2022年成功举办首次“二维材料化学” 线上自然学术会议后,我们很高兴地宣布即将举办"纳米材料相工程”自然学术会议。本次线下会议将云集国际知名专家学者,就不同纳米材料的(晶)相特性展开深入讨论和交流。会议的议题主要围绕金属纳米材料、过渡金属硫族化合物和其它纳米材料的化学合成、加工、表征和相工程,以及它们在先进电子学和绿色能源中的应用。