全新福特纯电Capri一马当先,在2024古德伍德速度节惊艳亮相。全新Capri以灵气设计续写Capri经典传奇。5.3秒跑车级百公里加速,续航里程长达627公里1,后备厢最大储物572升3,这是一台偶像级终极跑车。Capri以极简数字化设计风格传递豪奢气质,比如14.6英寸中控屏在SYNC Move4最新科技的加持下即可毫无阻滞地上下移动、随心调整,而“My Private ...
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And when gas prices shoot up, people start looking into alternatives.
General Motors was founded in 1908 by William Durant. Buick was the first company under GM, but others quickly joined through ...
As I mentioned earlier, Horseless Age, the first automotive magazine, debuted in November 1895. The following excerpt is ...
Much fuss is made about the dangers of the modern world. Yet, there is a familiar killer that stalks our streets every day: ...
Visitors to this year’s annual Applefest celebration will be treated to a dazzling display of unique motor vehicles. From 9 a ...
The Akwamu Traditional Area in the Eastern Region marked its 2024 Akwasidae Kese celebration alongside the 60th anniversary of the enstoolment of their Queen Mother, Nana Afrakoma II, in a grand three ...
William Durant founded one of the largest companies in history, saved Buick, invented the dealership franchise system, ...
For the first time in 17 years, the annual Monroe Car Cruise-In welcomed a group of Model T cars made in the 1910s and 1920s.
The period around World War II was a lull in EV development. But it still had fascinating experiments that feel relevant ...
‘My Ford F-150 Raptor R is not powerful enough’ could be the opening line of a very sarcastic joke or the signal for a muscle ...
Classic and modern vehicles will be descending upon Cobble Beach this weekend for the 10th annual Concours d’Elegance. Event ...