所有升上去的必然会降下来,这是conventional wisdom——习语「conventional wisdom」就是传统智慧,大部分人都相信的观念或想法。传统智慧(conventional ...
China's foreign trade with the European Union grew by 1.1 percent from a year earlier between January and August, while the ...
Five years ago, it would take at least three months for African coffee beans to be transported to China. Now, it can be achieved in one month or less, according to Jing Jianhua, a man who has been eng ...
According to the Guangdong Sub-administration of GACC, Guangdong's total foreign trade in the first eight months of 2024 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- An array of tax data on innovation, digital economy and high-end manufacturing reflects China's achievements in high-quality development in the first eight months of the ...
Reproductive health, birth defect prevention and control, and fertility preservation were highlighted on Birth Defect ...
研究显示,分子变化,即分子和微生物出现最大幅度的增长或减少,会影响身体出现慢性病的概率、抵抗疾病的能力以及衰老的速度。在40多岁的时候,分子变化与心脏病、皮肤和肌肉功能,以及咖啡因、脂肪和酒精的代谢能力密切相关。到了60多岁,分子变化则会影响人体的氧 ...
By the newly adopted resolution, the UNGA "demands that Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the ...
In the final quarter of 2024, Hangzhou will host multiple national and international sporting events that will attract ...
Henan's economy maintained a steady and positive trend in August, with major economic indicators such as industry, investment and consumption showing accelerated growth compared to the figures in July ...