Officials launch the entrepreneurship camp for global entrepreneurs in Putuo District on Saturday. A three-day ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
Autonomous taxis glide effortlessly through the streets, and autonomous trucks deliver materials to factories... Scenes once ...
As part of the first Shanghai Magnolia Culture Festival, a "Shanghai Flavor" voting activity was launched on Nanjing Road ...
大家下午好!女士们、先生们,尊敬的各位来宾,我是梅妃,来自中非话语研究中心。前面一位嘉宾已经为我们做了很多的阐述,实际上,谈到电商,非洲是一个非常好的投资选择。我现在要讲的是尼日利亚,非洲一个非常重要的国家,在电商方面的一些发展情况。譬如,为什么考虑 ...
为了帮助管院新生拉近同学之间的距离, 让他们尽快地融入校园生活,2024年9月8日下午,工商管理学院团委主办的新生素拓在大学城校区教学区田径场举行。同学们在游戏和组间比拼中熟悉彼此,探索自我,迈入人生全新的阶段。
Asianfin--The U.S. Commerce Department is set to propose a ban on the use of Chinese software and hardware in connected and autonomous vehicles on American roads on Monday, citing national security co ...
1996年9月16日美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)发布了儿童睡衣阻燃性标准(16 CFR part 1615/1616)的修订本,该法规对婴儿和儿童睡衣作出了严格的要求。16 CFR 1615/1616是专门针对儿童睡衣的阻燃标准,要求睡衣具有一定的防火性能。 16 CFR 1615适用于尺码为0-6X 的儿童 ...
雷递网 雷建平 9月26日ChatGPT运营公司OpenAI创始人、CEO萨姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)活成了孤家寡人。今日,OpenAI CTO米拉·穆拉蒂(Mira Murati)宣布离职,这是继OpenAI联合创始人兼总裁Greg ...
埙,古代用陶土烧制的一种吹奏乐器,圆形或椭圆形,有六孔,也称“陶埙”。The xun is an ancient wind instrument made of fired clay. It is round or oval in shape, ...
组合ASC2NT将通过新报演唱新的可能性。Ascent(嘉蓝、仁俊、J、Leon、Kyle)27日0点通过官方SNS公开了第二张单曲专辑《Conversion Part.1》(Conversion ...
Patrollers have made the first discovery of Mute Swans breeding in the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve in Dongying, Shandong province, this summer, with a pair of adult Mute Swans playing ...