在华尔街努力管理年轻职员的工作负载量时,Lazard Inc.首席执行官Peter Orszag表示,许多年轻的华尔街银行家渴望有趣的工作,而且他们愿意长时间工作。 在回答为什么初级银行家能忍受一周工作80到90小时工作时,Orszag在接受采访时称,在华尔街,能够促成交易达成是令人振奋的机会,它让一切努力变得值得。
Orszag, a Democrat party kingmaker and donor, said fresh-faced financiers enjoy the buzz of “working on important things” ...
The opportunity to go as far as you can as fast as you can was, to many, more alluring than a 9-5 office job full of boring ...
The attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon are likely to generate greater momentum for moving factory production closer to home.
周五上午发布的一封公开信中,数十名企业高管(包括许多与好莱坞和媒体行业关系密切的高管)支持卡马拉·哈里斯。信中写道:“她的当选是支持我们民主和经济持续强大、安全和可靠的最佳方式。”“随着卡马拉·哈里斯入主白宫,商界可以确信,他们将拥有一位希望美国工业 ...
"We don’t want to miss this next decade.” ...
Lazard Ltd (NYSE: LAZ)股价表现出色,触及52周高点50.41美元。这一里程碑凸显了这家投资管理公司强劲的上涨势头,过去一年其股价飙升了51.85%。投资者对Lazard的商业模式和战略举措表现出更大的信心,推动股价创下新高,反映出金融板块强劲的复苏和扩张态势。该公司的表现,尤其是在更广泛的市场趋势背景下,一直是分析师关注资产管理行业的焦点。 在其他近期新闻中,投资银行Laza ...
Speaking on The David Rubenstein Show on Bloomberg, Lazard boss Peter Orszag was asked why junior bankers work 80-hour weeks.
Viele junge Wall-Street-Banker verlangen nach interessanten Aufgaben und sind bereit, dafür lange Arbeitszeiten in Kauf zu ...
Lazard Inc. became the latest Wall Street firm to comply with Saudi Arabia’s ultimatum for foreign firms to set up their ...
VP Kamala Harris has garnered support for her 2024 presidential campaign from executives spanning multiple industry sectors ...
Dozens of senior corporate executives — including many with close tied to Hollywood and the media business — endorsed vice ...