The Shroud of Turin is the second-most valuable possession of the human race next to the Bible itself,” nuclear engineer ...
The Shroud of Turin, which many believe was the burial cloth used to cover Jesus Christ, has been the subject of much ...
《Spectre Divide》在Steam上推出仅两周后,玩家流失问题凸显,数据显示超过三分之二的玩家已弃坑,最高在线人数不足9000人。尽管游戏一度因知名主播Shroud的支持备受关注,但目前表现不佳。
Now just 22 days removed from the game’s launch, Mountaintop Studios, the dev team behind Spectre Divide, has been hit with ...
日前,该游戏开发商 Moutaintop Studios 确认已裁员 13 名员工。工作室联合创始人兼首席执行官 Nate Mitchell 在一份声明中表示:“为了确保我们能够长期支持游戏及其社区,我们做出了一个非常艰难的决定,即裁掉了工作室的 13 个全职职位。我们对这些团队成员过去几年的辛勤工作和对《Spectre》的奉献感激不尽。” ...
著名主播 Shroud 参与制作的 FPS 竞技游戏《SpectreDivide》开发商 Moutaintop Studios 日前确认,已裁员了13 名员工。工作室联合创始人兼首席执行官 Nate Mitchell ...
著名海外射击游戏主播、前《CS:GO》职业选手 Shroud 参与开发的创新第一人称竞技射击游戏《Spectre Divide》近日公布了全新的预告,同时宣布了游戏 ...
文/梁乐天9月19日,由网易和漫威合作开发的6v6超级英雄射击游戏《漫威争锋》,在杭州举办了线下前瞻会,并宣布将于10月18日开启国服技术测试。自今年3月全球首曝后,《漫威争锋》终于在国内正式亮相。此前,该游戏已在5月和7月分别进行了两轮海外测试。在 ...
Competitive shooter Spectre Divide has suffered huge player falloff on Steam and continued to attract negative reviews.
County spent $2 million to buy a 12-acre property near Towson’s Loch Raven neighborhood to serve as park space and as a ...
Well, here we are. Welcome to Crosman’s F4; a stylish break-barrel that’s designed to appeal to shooters who want a ...