A painful hip, without a direct traumatic origin, is a frequent complaint in children, whilst young children most often present with a limp. Next to clinical presentation, the differential diagnosis ...
The global healthcare landscape faces an unprecedented challenge: a severe scarcity of healthcare resources and limited accessibility. Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, structural issues such as a ...
The need of having a more functional hand stimulated the development of silicone implants for small joint arthroplasty in 1962. Silicone implants were studied extensively in laboratory tests, animal ...
An informal survey recently put the healthcare industry at the top of the key industrial sectors earmarked for growth in the GCC in 2018. Along with the education and F&B sectors, the healthcare ...
Today’s interconnected world has transformed trade, economy, education, immigration, and our world view. The concept of care too has witnessed transitions and kept pace with the changing times. One of ...
The Netherlands started screening for Breast Cancer 30 years ago. During this period, we learned a lot about the benefits and harms of Breast Cancer screening and therefore we constantly adjust the ...
Asclepius was the God of Medicine, according to ancient Greek Mythology; and his ‘rod of Asclepius’, the snake entwined staff, is still a widely recognised symbol of medicine. For centuries, Asclepius ...
Like most classically trained orthopaedists, a decade ago I was highly sceptical of stem cells and their therapeutic value. Today, as a treating physician at the Knee and Hip Institute in Munich, ...
Personalised medicine, the tailoring of medical treatment to each patient's individual characteristics, is revolutionising healthcare. At the heart of this transformation lies therapeutic drug ...
An article submitted to the American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy long ago in 1967 identified how ‘outpatient visits are increasing at a rapid rate and administrative adjustments will be needed to ...
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) governments are at the forefront of the global digital transformation, rapidly advancing their focus on e-commerce, smart cities, e-services, and digital health.
Everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on society and business. International tech founders debate on social media over whether AI poses a threat. And of course there is ...