Watched some of BMW PGA Championship from Wentworth. Final tomorrow - will be exciting. Our wee grandson arrived for a sleepover, complete with his new shoes. Bath time was fun. Watched Ulster v ...
we started the day with a beach walk and paddle. Headed for the Wee Toon for coffee and cake before heading home. It only takes an hour. Showered and clean again I have put some extra photos of our ...
"Think about it?" says Mrs B..... "When did you last ride a bike?" "When did you last ride a bike on Italian roads?" "When did you last ride a bike on Italian roads to an Italian supermarket?" "When ...
Some days ago, saw spoons inside our freezer. When I asked B about them he told me he read that cold spoons have the same effect as cucumbers for treating puffy eyes. After that, I saw a scene in Love ...
Free entry today due to an event called 'Doors Open Days'. I had intended to concentrate on getting some pictues of this fabulous open air amphitheatre, but instead I got caught up with the performace ...
I am posting a bit earlier than usual today as we will be heading to a panagyri tonight. A panagyri is an outdoor event focused on Greek music and dancing. Today’s blip and extras are from my walk ...
The weather took a downhill step today - grey and dismal at first trending to sea fog as the day went on. Saltburn Pier looked threatening/threatened? under the ...
Another challenging night but felt better late morning and enough to cut the grass; after which I was wiped-out. A test confirmed that I've still got the unmentionable, wicked, virus-thing. Son Andy ...
It was calmer today so we headed back to the coast close to Banyuls. We virtually had the beach to ourselves and I had a good swim in the sea , I think my last of the season, and took lots more fish ...
Over 3 weeks ahead for me in this lovely part of the world , first stop is near Stirling , then travelling to Skye for a few nights, then onwards . Exciting times , memories and adventures ahead.
When the West Pier at Brighton was pronounced irreparable some of the metal columns were saved and made into an art installation . The 24 columns were positioned to make a spiral and even though l’ve ...
Yesterday we drove home, because F had a check-up at the eye clinic, glad all was ok. Nice to visit the center of Maastricht afterwards, such lovely sunny day today, maybe the last one, don't hope so ...