Children’s lives in the UK are changing. They are becoming shorter in height. More of them are going hungry than they were a ...
The aim of this book is to inspire a better politics: one that will enable future generations to be happier. While its publication coincides with the 500th anniversary of Thomas More’s Utopia, its ...
Things fall apart when empires crumble. This time, we think, things will be different. They are not. This time, we are told, we will become great again. We will not. In Rule Britannia, Danny Dorling ...
Click images to see slide versions of Slowdown's figures ...
Concepts and Techniques in Modern Geography series no. 59, ...
Housing was at the heart of the financial collapse, and our economy is now precariously reliant on the housing market. In this groundbreaking new book, Danny Dorling argues that housing is the ...
Geographer Danny Dorling tells the stories of the people who live along The 32 Stops of the Central Line to illustrate the extent and impact of inequality in Britain today - part of a series of twelve ...
Danny's amazing atlas of Britain has been resurrected from some old postscript files he recently discovered. These have been turned into PDF files with the help of Jeshua Lacock. They are rather large ...
BUT HOW DID IT BECOME SO DIVIDED? WHAT CAN WE DO TO FIX IT? Britain was once the leading economy in Europe; it is now the most unequal. In Shattered Nation, visiting sites across the British Isles and ...
Demography is not destiny. As Giacomo Casanova explained over two centuries ago: 'There is no such thing as destiny. We ourselves shape our lives.' Today we are shaping our lives and our societies ...
“There’s no reason to be pessimistic about the future. The UK and the USA are probably at a peak of economic inequality right now. It will almost certainly come down in the years and decades to come; ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 176, 1, 97-128 ...