The LexisNexis Legal Awards 2024 are officially open for entries, offering a platform to celebrate the very best of the UK’s ...
An overview is given of the number of family cases coming to the courts and how they are dealt with. This context leads to a discussion of the content aims and possible practical effects of the Family ...
Domestic Violence: Law and Practice is a comprehensive practitioner’s guide to dealing with cases involving personal protection, harassment and domestic violence. The extensive text is supplemented by ...
Sir Terence Etherton was called to the Bar (Gray’s Inn) in 1974 and became a Queen’s Counsel in 1990. He was appointed a High Court judge on 11 January 2001 and assigned to the Chancery Division, ...
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) has set out a standard approach to help turn around your work more efficiently when submitting online and paper bills. The Financial Remedies Handbook is the first resort ...
In 2011 the Law Comission published its report Intestacy and Family Provisions Claims on Death, Law Com 331 (2011)) in which it recommended reform of the law on intestacy and family provision claims ...
Family procedural law is not as clear as it might be over when ‘a person who is not a party to the proceedings’ (a non-party) can be compelled to produce documents and other information into family ...
On 14 January 2014 the President issued a draft Revised Bundles Practice Direction for discussion and comment ([2014] Fam Law 226). Following further amendments we now have the new Practice Direction.
The Islamic Sharia Council and the Jewish Beth Din provide private, faith-related dispute resolution in a non-legal setting. Under Islamic law, the Talaq divorce is a simple procedure that can be ...
The Court of Appeal allowed a husband’s appeal against an order made by a Family Division judge that he should pay his wife a lump sum even though a Russian court had previously made a consent order ...
Family Law, family law court, covert recordings in family proceedings, Re B (A Child), President of the Family Division, Sir James Munby Title : Covert recordings in family proceedings (Re B (A Child) ...
In CS v ACS (Consent Order: Non-Disclosure: Correct Procedure) [2015] EWHC 1005 (Fam), [2016] 1 FLR 131 the President, Sir James Munby, ruled that paragraph 14.1 of Practice Direction 30A of the ...