Nothing is better than a well-made, juicy burger. And as the land of burgers, the United States has countless burger restaurants. There are also countless variations of burgers, ranging from the ...
As the saying goes, "Even bad pizza is pretty good." But there are some pizzas that are much better than "still pretty good" — they're out-of-this-world amazing. The following pizza places are the ...
We all scream for ice cream, and these cool ice cream shops in every U.S. state offer just that. Whether you're into classic flavors like mint chocolate chip or prefer wacky concoctions like basil ...
America is home to some affordable beach towns that come with beautiful stretches of coastline without the hefty price tag. Life’s a beach, right? Or, at least, for many of us, we wish it were. We’ve ...
For many travelers, the warmth of the welcome they receive in a foreign country can make or break their trip. After all, who wants to travel halfway around the world only to be met with hostility?
It goes without saying that it’s much easier to enjoy a city when you can easily get around it. That's why the best tourism cities boast superb public transit systems — publicly subsidized networks of ...
Even if you're extremely well-traveled, there are probably some country names you've struggled to pronounce. If you want to show off your globetrotting savviness — while saving yourself from side eye ...
15 Most Terrifying Places in the U.S. Stunning landscapes and interesting cities abound in the United States, but so, too, does a dark underbelly shrouded in chilling tales and eerie histories. For ...
Every country will argue that its capital city is the best of the best (as they should!). Yes, tourism numbers may show favorites based on popularity, but does that mean the most-visited capital ...
Scientists have estimated that there are 8.7 million animal species on Earth. Some of these are fierce (lions, sharks, tigers). Some are adorable (rabbits, deer, otters). And others are, well, really ...
Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. Sometimes, these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be ...
Lake-town vacations are a timeless American tradition, one that involves barbecuing or picnicking on the shore, swimming in the refreshing waters and hanging on to dear life while tubing from the back ...