Our conceptualization of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems are based on different types of scientific, technical and creative knowledge and coordinate various actors from academia, business ...
Welcome to a seminar with Dr Mattias Svensson, Associate Professor & Deputy Head, Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, University of Gothenburg. The seminar will be conducted in ...
Välkommen till SOM-undersökningen Du har blivit utvald att vara med i SOM-undersökningen 2024. Klicka på bilden nedan och logga in med de uppgifter vi skickat med posten.
Ragnhild Gya from University of Bergen will give a seminar that focus on her recently finished PhD project where she studied how alpine plants are impacted by climate change using different tools such ...
Half time seminar at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology ...
Karin Gustavsson, Folklivsarkivet/ Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lund University Anneli Palmsköld, Professor in conservation specialized in craft science, University of Gothenburg Johanna ...
Public defence - Bizusew Ashagrie: Resource Stress and Violent Conflicts in Borderlands. Toward A Mechanism-Oriented Approach Research Society and economy ...
200 ungdomar gymnasieåldern och deras ledare, från 40 nationer, beräknas komma till Göteborg den 12–16 juni 2026 för att tävla i fysik. Bakom det svenska arrangemanget står Svenska fysikersamfundet ...
Each year, the University of Gothenburg takes part in various events to share our research with the public. Here, you can find information about our participation in the Gothenburg Book fair, ...
A concert featuring Simon Rose, baritone saxophonist and composer, researcher and author. Simon Rose is a musician-composer, researcher and author from the United Kingdom and based in Berlin. He’s a ...
The DDLS Fellows program is a career program aiming at accelerating the data-driven paradigm shift in life sciences The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) ...
Det råder oväntat stor variation i längdtillväxt hos tjejer efter första mensen. Varannan tjej växer antingen mer eller mindre på längden än de 6-8 centimeter som anses utgöra standard. Det visar en ...