Our conceptualization of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems are based on different types of scientific, technical and creative knowledge and coordinate various actors from academia, business ...
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg. Research and education in medicine, odontology, and health and care sciences - always in close contact with practical care. At Sahlgrenska ...
The Quality of Government (QoG) Institute was founded in 2004 by Professor Bo Rothstein and Professor Sören Holmberg. It is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science ...
Welcome to a seminar with Dr Mattias Svensson, Associate Professor & Deputy Head, Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, University of Gothenburg. The seminar will be conducted in ...
Flera av våra forskare inom litteratur, idéhistoria och religion kommer att medverka under Bokmässan.
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Professor Christopher Gillberg har tilldelats Hilda och Alfred Erikssons pris för sitt banbrytande arbete med att förstå,… ...
Ragnhild Gya from University of Bergen will give a seminar that focus on her recently finished PhD project where she studied how alpine plants are impacted by climate change using different tools such ...
Press office Journalists are welcome to contact our Press Officers with queries. For subject-related queries, please get in touch with the media contact at the relevant faculty.
Welcome to our scientific world that includes everything from the smallest particle to the largest galaxies. Feel free to join our endless journey of knowledge. Sebastiaan Swart awarded the Faculty of ...
Half time seminar at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology ...
I boken Trä- Virkeskvalitet förr och nu delar författaren Thomas Thörnqvist med sig av sina kunskaper från ett långt yrkesliv inriktat på skog och trä. Thomas började i skogen med praktiskt arbete.