The days of waiting for a flu shot at your doctor's office or local pharmacy may be over: The U.S. Food and Drug Admi ...
Ever hear of the MIND diet? Following it may help keep your memory and thinking skills stronger as you age.In a new study, ...
Whooping cough cases are climbing at the fastest pace in years as students across America return to school, U.S. heal ...
Would-be dads don’t have to worry that taking the epilepsy drug valproate will result in children with birth defects, ...
An arthritis sufferer’s joints start to get ornery when the weather turns colder, getting stiff and achy as the mercu ...
Doctors sometimes turn to antidepressants as a means of easing older people's physical pain, but a new expert review ...
Controversial fentanyl lollipops and similar products will no longer be made by drug makers, the U.S. Food and Drug A ...
Heavy-duty endurance exercise can cause body fat levels to drop without any accompanying weight loss, a new small-sca ...
A cavalry of sorts can come to the rescue of combat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a ...
Millions of women struggle with the discomfort and stress of urinary incontinence, and many turn to medications for h ...
Each year, an average of 174 U.S. kids under the age of 5 lose their lives over causes linked to nursery products.Man ...
Pulling your hair out in frustration with your finicky youngster?Don’t blame your parenting style -- genetics likely ...