The climate crisis, and the response to it, present opportunities for communities in the UK as well as threats. The threats that communities face range from the impacts of the climate crisis itself ...
Children whose parents have separated and struggle to reach a maintenance agreement are let down by child maintenance services which erects deliberate barriers between parents and the support on offer ...
An insight into why we might privilege social justice, over criminal justice Prison does not only impact and harm those who are directly locked up; prisons affect all of us. Yet many of us don’t ...
This in-depth case study report presents the findings from new research into the causes, processes and effects of human trafficking from Nigeria to the UK. Taking a 'whole of journey' approach, it ...
The German federal election attracted much international attention after the Alternative for Germany (AfD) entered parliament for the first time. The party is the first radical right party to sit in ...
IPPR has reacted to Keir Starmer’s speech at the Labour Party conference. Harry Quilter-Pinner, IPPR’s interim executive director, said: “Keir Starmer today set out his vision for a decade of national ...
This event will mark the launch of a new report on supporting children to stay in school. At this event, we'll launch findings of our report 'Who is losing learning?' and begin a 6-month listening ...
A decade after the 2014 independence referendum transformed Scottish politics, Scotland needs to reflect on what has and hasn’t worked in the fight against poverty. 10 years ago, people in Scotland ...
Stephen Harper, Canada's prime minister since 2006, provides an object lesson in translating political weakness and minority support into lasting power. Why do minority governments succeed or fail?
This paper reviews the case for change in the English health and care system and considers how to move towards a 'whole person care' approach. It sets out broad themes that we intend to return to in ...
Government austerity policies since 2010 are disproportionately affecting women. Low earning black women stand to lose £5000 a year by 2022 as a result of cuts and changes to benefits and tax credits, ...
In the long run, the only way to end the UK's chronic housing crisis is to build many more homes. But are Britain's big builders willing and able to deliver the new houses we need? In this report, we ...