Programme and project managers, knowledge management officers, monitoring and evaluation officers, technical specialists, project professionals, professionals from private enterprises, academicians ...
The course is intended for professionals involved in designing, procuring and implementing infrastructure works. The course specifically targets: - Government officials involved in public investment ...
Reducción de la vulnerabilidad a través de la justicia social y la protección universal ...
Toute personne souhaitant mieux gérer ses finances personnelles. Le personnel des organisations de travailleurs et d'employeurs, les prestataires de services financiers, les prestataires de services ...
Este fórum de conhecimento sobre a economia azul e a juventude oferece uma exploração abrangente do conceito de economia azul ...
Le Master aborde un certain nombre de questions cruciales auxquelles sont confrontés les praticiens et les planificateurs du développement, par exemple: L'objectif du Master est de doter le personnel ...
The course is of particular interest to policy-makers, planners, technical officials of relevant ministries, and other technical experts from relevant institutions. In particular, the course caters ...
The module is designed for government officials, and staff in employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations that deal with foreign direct investment (FDI), operations of multinational ...
What ILS are, the reasons for their development, their characteristics and relevance, and how they are used. How ILS are adopted, promoted and supervised. What subjects they covered and their content.
The ITCILO International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization and the ETF - European Training Foundation’s Skills Lab Network of Experts join forces to organize the three-day event ...
Judges and magistrates. Lawyers. Legal experts from employers’ and workers’ organizations. University law teachers and students. Legal educators responsible for training judges and lawyers. What will ...