2024 年艾美奖颁奖典礼将于美国东部时间 9 月 15 日晚 8 点在美国广播公司(ABC)播出,届时获奖者将由电视艺术与科学学院(Academy of Television Arts & Sciences)的同行们选出。但我们不禁要问观众将如何投票选出今年的提名者? 我们知道,电视观众会用时间来投票 ...
“Reinvigorated alliance the next step in the evolution of media in Japan and a big win for nation’s media industry”, say stakeholders Tokyo, Japan, September 11, 2024 - 尼尔森, a global leader in ...
纽约 -2024 年 9 月 11 日-根据尼尔森的数据,副总统卡马拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)和前总统唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump)之间的 ABC News 总统辩论估计吸引了 6710 万观众。 ABC News 辩论是两位参选候选人之间的第一场辩论,也是本选举周期的第二场辩论。据尼尔森公司 ...
尼尔森最新报告指出,西班牙裔的影响力推动了足球观众和所有大型体育赛事收视率的增长 纽约,2024 年 9 月 10 日--全球受众测量、数据和分析领域的领导者尼尔森今天发布了最新数据,展示了西班牙裔人口对美国体育格局的影响。在新报告中 粉丝:尼尔森关于 ...
尼尔森广告主和代理商负责人马特-德维特(Matt Devitt)探讨了基于结果的营销、品牌建设以及人工智能如何帮助衡量媒体影响力等方面的变化。 结果是品牌最关心的问题,但如何规划、衡量和改进结果却从未像现在这样具有挑战性。从体育直播的兴起到生成式 ...
媒体碎片化比以往任何时候都更加严重,代理商需要统一的工具来衡量和接触碎片化的受众。PMG合作伙伴关系负责人萨姆-布鲁姆(Sam Bloom)揭示了尼尔森如何帮助广告公司破解测量难题,并在未来趋势来临之前先发制人。 在这个分散的媒体环境中,广告公司 ...
Cindy was appointed interim Chief Financial Officer at Nielsen in September 2024 and is responsible for overseeing the global finance organization, including financial planning and analysis, tax, ...
Partha joined Nielsen in May 2024 as Managing Director and leader of its new Global Capability Centers (GCCs). In this role, he oversees the operations of Nielsen’s India GCCs and ensures its ...
Russ Soper is Chief Information Officer at Nielsen, responsible for executing a transformation focused on improved fundamental service delivery, increased agility, driving technology modernization, ...
Broadcast viewership up 8% from July and nearly 12% YOY. NBC notched top 19 broadcast telecasts in August, while MSNBC owned the top 11 cable telecasts due to the DNC. Peacock viewership increased 39% ...
Discover how Nielsen’s new Advanced Audiences, powered by Nielsen Consumer & Media View (CMV), is revolutionising digital campaign targeting across Australia and New Zealand. This innovative solution ...
When the 2024 Primetime Emmys air on ABC at 8 pm ET on September 15, the winners will have been chosen by their peers within the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. But we found ourselves wondering ...