RWE and the Ustka Port Authority have signed a land lease agreement for the construction of an operations and maintenance ...
Asian supply contracts and east-west alliances are emerging as a response to the growing gap between Europe's expansion plans ...
The A05 tender outcome shows what can be achieved with a significantly de-risked process, write Felipe Cornago and Aldrik de ...
German utility targets to bring 350MW F.E.W. Baltic II array online later this decade as Eastern European country targets to ...
Giant exhibition and conference begins as industry wrestles with familiar and new issues amid stretching policy-led targets ...
Shift will grant Chinese competitors access to Western developers in international markets, say experts, potentially paving ...
The new Dutch right-wing government of Prime Minister Dick Schoof has stuck with the “ambition” to reach 50GW of offshore wind by 2040, and said it will carry out the roadmap from the previous cabinet ...
Udo Bauer during factory visit by German climate and energy minister referred to 'non-European' competition ahead of ...
Global firm wind turbine orders soared to more than 91GW in the first half of the year, said analyst group Wood Mackenzie as it drew a stark contrast between “record breaking” activity by Chinese OEMs ...
Wind turbines spread over large areas are harder to hit with missiles than thermoelectric facilities and other centralised ...
GoliatVIND project will connect to the Norwegian grid through an offshore oil platform that has already gone through an ...
Next step is for parties to negotiate lease for property to host a minimum 150MW capacity solar farm with a 100MW battery ...