RWE and the Ustka Port Authority have signed a land lease agreement for the construction of an operations and maintenance ...
Asian supply contracts and east-west alliances are emerging as a response to the growing gap between Europe's expansion plans ...
The A05 tender outcome shows what can be achieved with a significantly de-risked process, write Felipe Cornago and Aldrik de ...
Shift will grant Chinese competitors access to Western developers in international markets, say experts, potentially paving ...
Giant exhibition and conference begins as industry wrestles with familiar and new issues amid stretching policy-led targets ...
German utility targets to bring 350MW F.E.W. Baltic II array online later this decade as Eastern European country targets to ...
Udo Bauer during factory visit by German climate and energy minister referred to 'non-European' competition ahead of ...
Eight areas to go on the block as Biden administration ramps offshore wind activity amid threats by presidential candidate ...
Low prices expected in upcoming lease auctions amid vast Gulf of Maine supply and sluggish demand in high-risk Oregon ...
Up-tower cranes have been used onshore, but replacing a major FOWT component offshore for the first time could ease the ...
Projects that miss out on auction rounds face difficulties keeping supply chain and staff in place while they wait for next ...
GE Vernova is planning a downsizing of its offshore wind business that Recharge understands could affect up to 900 jobs ...