Meet Annellysse Chacon, Energy Efficiency Manager of the Global CTIO Unit of Telefónica S.A. Discover her career.
Find out more about what to consider before making a presentation. Learn some exercises to do before you go up to present.
Conoce a Sergio Lax, Project Manager Marketing B2C Propuesta de Valor. Descubre su trayectoria profesional y visión personal.
Una frase que me gustó y que me marcó una diferencia a la hora de exponer un contenido, es: “Muchas veces nos jugamos la vida en las conversaciones que tenemos, pero también en aquellas que no tenemos ...
The UN Summit of the Future endorsed the Global Digital Compact, highlighting the importance of connectivity and global ...
The EC is headed by a president (currently a chairwoman, Ursula von der Leyen, re-elected in 2024 after serving a first term ...
Alejandra Alonso is Head of AI & Digital Services Sustainability. Her responsibility is to work with different areas of the company - ESG, Compliance, Innovation, … to encourage the company's AI and ...
I'm a madrileño who studied mathematics but fate wanted me to enter the world of web development when I started in 2013. I learn something new every day. In my spare time I write fantasy, I've already ...
On pagestrategies , which are much talked about and which any pro webmaster takes into account in the development of their websites, are the actions or strategies implemented within the website to ...
Las estrategias on page, que tanto se habla de ellas y que cualquier webmaster pro las tiene muy en cuenta en los desarrollos de sus sitios webs, son las acciones o estrategias implementadas dentro de ...