Jess talks with California State University, Los Angeles Biology Department Chair Dr. Kirsten Fisher about desert mosses, ...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Sept. 16, 2024)—The California Assembly Petroleum and Gasoline Supply Committee will begin a series of public hearings Wednesday on a bill proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom to ensure ...
This analysis evaluates 38 government agencies on scientific integrity and offers recommendations for the next presidential administration.
The movement of wind and water, the heat and light of the sun, the carbohydrates in plants, and the warmth in the Earth—all are energy sources that can supply our needs in a sustainable way. A variety ...
Food production in the United States is at a crossroads. For decades, the public policies and big corporations that shape our food and agricultural system have pressed farmers to manage their land ...
Rachel Cleetus is the policy director with the Climate and Energy program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. She leads the program’s efforts in designing effective and equitable policies to address ...
Kristina Dahl is principal climate scientist for the Climate & Energy program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. In her role, she provides scientific direction, strategic thinking, and technical ...
Dr. Omanjana Goswami is an Interdisciplinary Scientist with the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. She conducts research on the practice and policies of the current US ...
Coal, gas, and other fossil fuels are neither sustainable nor safe. We shouldn’t use them. Coal, oil, and methane gas are fossil fuels formed over time from the remains of living organisms. In the ...
As the senior scientist and director of the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, Ricardo Salvador has over four decades of experience working with citizens, scientists, ...
Chitra Kumar is the managing director of the Climate & Energy Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. In her role, she provides leadership, strategy, and oversight for the UCS teams working to ...