Over at PBS Nature, WCS's Daniel Zarin lays out 4 things we must do to address the climate crisis. “The question at hand is ...
Healthy ecosystems are an essential solution to the climate crisis. Throughout New York City Climate Week, we will underscore the necessity of integrating nature into global climate strategies. The ...
Our goal is to conserve the world's largest wild places in 14 priority regions, habitat for around 50% of the world’s biodiversity and a wide range of charismatic megafauna.
“The world’s biodiversity is facing threats from all angles. Wilderness areas are vanishing and fauna and flora species are facing extinction like never before. The team at WCS is relentless in its ...
As a Conservation Member, you'll receive added benefits and increase your support of WCS's mission. With your help, our parks will continue to inspire the next generation of conservationists while ...
Q. To what extent is ivory consumption in the U.S. contributing to the African elephant poaching crisis? A. While the largest ivory consumer nations are in Asia, the U.S. has one of the bigger markets ...
Goal A of the GBF calls for Parties to collectively maintain or enhance the integrity, connectivity and resilience of ecosystems. The inclusion of ecological integrity - the composition, structure, ...
Coastal communities and ecosystems are intricately and inextricably entwined. People depend on coastal ecosystems for nutrition, livelihoods, refuge, protection, and climate resilience, and in the ...
How will we get there? WCS is implementing conservation programs all over the world to mitigate the impacts of CO2 emissions, and help affected people adapt to climate change: We are protecting large ...
As a science-based conservation NGO, we work in 64 countries and at scores of field sites that represent the last of the wild. WCS's global conservation program encompasses five programs: Africa, Asia ...
Climate change is among the greatest challenges of our time, with devastating impacts for people and biodiversity across the globe. WCS’s Forest and Climate Change Program works on innovative ...